Sarah's Fit Blog

Waste not, want not.

Posted in Learn,Live by Sarah on November 21, 2011

I came across this photo today and can’t believe I haven’t seen it before. Let this be a public service announcement to everyone.

Thanksgiving, a thinner dinner

Posted in Live by Sarah on November 15, 2011

Thanksgiving is just a week away! I have volunteered to host for my family and have asked my mom if it’s okay to stray from tradition and cook a healthier version. Really, I just need clearance from my husband and my Dad, they are hard headed when it comes to lighter versions. My dad swears he can tell the difference between low fat and regular mayo, but my mom tricks him all the time and he never complains. It has been over three months in my home that I swapped our salt for potassium chloride (a salt substitute) which is far better than sodium. I haven’t heard a word about it because it really tastes the same and don’t mind when he douses his entire plate with it.

If everyone agrees to the new and improved feast, I am hoping for a non-stuffed turkey, healthier dressing on the side using Smart Balance instead of butter and maybe even wheat bread, mashed red potatoes, gravy made without the drippings, sweet potatoes and wheat rolls. We’ll see how it goes, but I am planning a brutal workout that morning so that I  can enjoy my dinner with less guilt and going to pick up a flag football kit tonight so that we can all play after dinner settles.

Here are some ugly nutrition facts on a few Thanksgiving Dinner staples:

  • Roasted dark and white meat turkey with skin — 450 calories
  • Homemade stuffing with gravy — 600 calories
  • Cranberry relish — 200 calories
  • Candied sweet potatoes — 400 calories
  • Green bean casserole — 190 calories
  • Pumpkin pie with whipped cream — 400 calories
  • Cup of eggnog — 400 calories

“A 160 lb. person would have to run at a moderate pace for four hours, swim for five hours or walk 30 miles to burn off a 3,000-calorie Thanksgiving Day meal,” said Dr. Cedric Bryant, ACE chief exercise physiologist. “Many people start by snacking throughout the day and that combined with the meal can lead to a total caloric intake of 4,500. All holiday delicacies can be enjoyed so long as they’re eaten in moderation and combined with a proper exercise plan.”

Tips to Stay Fit

  • You can make up for a feast of rich, higher-fat foods with lighter, lower-fat meals for the next couple of days. Plan for the big meal that day with a low-calorie, low-fat breakfast and lunch. Never skip meals, just limit them.
  • Look back and assess your diet over the past few days by recording your caloric intake with a food diary. Have you been over-indulging at recent party feasts? Are there additional celebrations looming? Try eating sensibly in order to afford the extra calories come meal time.
  • Don’t panic or feel guilty if your diet seems to have gotten out of hand. When you balance your intake over several days, you have ample time to regain control.
  • Make physical activity a regular habit. Beyond burning calories, exercise is essential for good health, stress management (oftentimes a challenge during the busy holiday season) and overall well-being.
  • Working out consistently will help jump-start your metabolism allowing you to burn more of those calories from your holiday binge.
  • Have a salad, light soup or some fruit and veggies before leaving home or prior to your meal. This way you will feel fuller and less likely to overeat.
  • Select only your favorite foods at a holiday buffet and let other guests enjoy traditional fare like nuts, rolls and sweet potatoes.
  • Practice portion control. A smaller serving of the real thing can be very satisfying and calorie-trimming.

Body Fat

Posted in Learn by Sarah on November 14, 2011

Today begins a new week! 12 more days until the vacation begins! I hope you know that at the tail end of a physical challenge is typically the least productive in terms of numbers, so I refuse to hold on to any of the hype that marketers would like us to believe. I have worked very hard these past three weeks and will continue to do so; however, I know that it is unrealistic to expect a huge change in body composition. The reward is in feeling healthy and strong, which I absolutely do! I feel leaner and am so happy with my ability to overcome the cravings that hit hard this time of year. This weekend did prove to be a big one…it was my husband and my mom’s birthday celebrations, so we went out to dinner and I splurged on a delicious Japanese dinner and cupcakes afterwards! This football Sunday I went ahead and did a gracious swan dive into the chips and salsa. But they were blue corn with flax seeds and organic salsa. The calorie content was still there, but at least I tried a little.

 My body fat has gone down to 22% and if I measure it again in 12 days and it is the same, I am fine with that. Here’s a little did bit on Body Fat and a useful chart:

Your body fat percentage is simply the percentage of fat your body contains.  If you are 150 pounds and 10% fat, it  means that your body consists of 15 pounds fat and 135 pounds lean body mass (bone, muscle, organ tissue, blood and everything else).

Here are my top 3 forms of measuring body fat:

1) Skin Fold Caliper

The “skin fold” method measures your body fat percentage by pinching your fat with your fingers then measuring the thickness with a body fat caliper. The reading is given in millimeters, which you compare to a chart with age and gender to arrive at your body fat percentage.

  • Accurate
  • Dependable (when skilled at measuring)
  • Repeatable


  • Variability of measurement (same exact spot needs to used each time)
  • More than one-site test requires a skilled fitness professional (I’ve done these thousands of times!)
  • For people 35+ pounds overweight, fat may not fit within caliper, so it’s less accurate

Bottom Line
Skin Fold is hands down the most effective, accurate, practical method to measure and track your body fat percentage.

2) Bioelectric Impedance Analysis (BIA)

BIA determines the electrical impedance, or opposition to the flow of an electric current through the body. Muscle has high water content, and is highly conductive, while fat has lower water content and is not highly conductive. Based on the strength of the impedance along with height and weight metrics, the BIA scale will estimate fat-free body mass and body fat percentage.

Many consumer weight scales like Tanita Body Fat Monitor Scale also come with BIA capabilities, and there are others that require holding the BIA device in your hands. Because the BIA test is based on body water balance, your state of hydration can impact the level of accuracy.


  • Very easy to administer
  • Inexpensive (most weight scales around $50 or even less have BIA)


  • Questionable Accuracy
  • Variability of results dependent on hydration level

Bottom line
If you can’t use calipers, this is a far second option. If you have a high body fat percentage (calipers can’t fit around your fat pinch), or you have 35+ pounds to lose, start with BIA, then move to calipers. BIA readings for those with low body fat tend to be completely inaccurate.

3) Hydrostatic Weighing

This method is considered the “Gold Standard” (+/- 1.5% error) of body fat measurement that requires being submerged in a specialized tank of water. Because bone and muscle are more dense than water, a person with a larger percentage of fat free mass will weigh more in the water and have a lower percent body fat. Conversely, a large amount of fat mass will make the body lighter in water and have a higher percent body fat.

Accuracy of the reading is contingent upon blowing all the air out of the lungs during pretest screening. The test takes about 20-30 minutes, costs around $100-150, and is available at research labs, universities, or hospitals.


  • Very accurate, considered Gold Standard


  • Impractical
  • Expensive
  • Not repeatable (unless you liked repeatedly getting dunked in a tank and spending $150)

Bottom Line
If you are extremely curious to get the most accurate measure of your body fat percentage, or you are a bodybuilder, or fitness model tracking your progress, Hydrostatic Weighing may make sense. Otherwise, it’s far too impractical.

A certain amount of fat is essential to bodily functions.  Fat regulates body temperature, cushions and insulates organs and tissues and is the main form of the body’s energy storage.  The following table describes body fat ranges and their associated categories:

*General Body Fat Percentage Categories

Classification Women (% fat) Men (% fat)
Essential Fat 10-12% 2-4%
Athletes 14-20% 6-13%
Fitness 21-24% 14-17%
Acceptable 25-31% 18-25%
Obese 32% plus 25% plus
*American Council on Exercise

Half way there…16 more days!

Posted in Learn by Sarah on November 10, 2011

Hi followers, I deeply apologize for slacking on the daily updates. I have had a whirlwind of opportunities and obstacles thrown at me and I simply have not had time to write everyday. Quality is important and I typically set aside at least 30 minutes to blog, but have not had a solid half hour to get in my zone. Sorry! BUT on a lighter note, I AM HALF WAY THERE and right on track! I have just 16 days until I hop on that plane to California! I had a dream the other day that we missed our flight…that’s how you know you are getting anxious! The scale read 136 this morning and I am feeling stronger and leaner. Body fat percentage will be posted tomorrow along with an article about it. Everything that has been going on makes me forget to eat on time, but never too far off. Exercise has never been a problem…in fact, it’s my part-time job, so no failures to report in that category. I have been busting my ass as usual. My goal is to eat 6 small balanced meals a day, but if I can get 5 in, I am content and it keeps my metabolism and blood sugar balanced. That edamame is still what’s keeping me from swan diving into a bag of tortilla chips! I’ll bet california has some awesome Mexican food…there I go daydreaming of food…must be time to eat. That chicken breast and red bell peppers are calling me!

I have been so blessed these past couple of months with success in sharing my passion for fitness and motivation. If you are reading this right now, that means that you are a part of it and I owe you a BIG thank you! If you work hard, keep faith, don’t sweat the small stuff and accept difficult times as learning opportunities, you will be surprised at how much you can achieve. Stay strong my friends!

How many of you read inspirational, motivational books? Read up and learn! That way, you won’t forget the power you posses in living the life you want with your innate talents. Here are my Top 20:

  1. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey: This book has been a top seller since it was published in 1990, offering advice on how to improve your leadership and get ahead in business.
  2. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie: First published in 1937, this book aims to help people of all ages understand human nature and use that understanding to garner enthusiasm and improve leadership.
  3. Power of Positive Thinking by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale: Those who are looking to make their lives happier, more satisfying or who simply want to learn to believe in themselves and their abilities have a lot to gain by reading this popular title.
  4. As a Man Thinketh by James Allen: This short book will help you realize that you’re only as good as you think you are and help you change the way you see and imagine yourself.
  5. The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein: This may be a children’s book, but its lessons are still powerful at any age, inspiring you to give and love freely.
  6. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee: Voted as one of the most inspiring books, this title touches on issues of race, justice, class and growing up.
  7. The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger: If you were ever a cynical youth (or an adult) this story documents one young man’s frustration with the phoniness of the adult world and the alienation it can cause.
  8. You on a Diet by Mehmet C. Oz and Michael F. Roisen: The authors of this book believe that the best tool for losing weight is knowledge.
  9. Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson: Learn to flourish with change in work, careers or your personal life with this motivational book that’s been a bestseller.
  10. A Child Called “It” by David J. Pelzer: Read this autobiographical story to hear this man’s tale about the bizarre tortures his mother enacted on him as a child and his will to survive and escape.
  11. Diary of Anne Frank by Anne Frank: While she never intended to see her words published, this diary is a touching and telling tale of the horrors of the Holocaust and the strength of those who struggled to find normalcy within it.
  12. The Art of Happiness by The Dalai Lama: Take a look at the philosophies of the Dalai Lama and studies done by scientist Howard Culter in this touching, inspirational book.
  13. Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer: What motivates someone to trade a privileged life for one of isolation? This story follows the rea- life exploits of Christopher McCandless as he takes off into the Alaskan wilderness.
  14. Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff by Richard Carlson: Do you find yourself worrying about every little thing? In this book you’ll learn what to let go so you can spend less time fretting and more time enjoying life.
  15. Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom: Check out this famous book to hear the touching story of a man and his mentor and the lessons he offers even in his dying days.
  16. Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus by John Gray: Perhaps one of the best known relationship books, this text aims to highlight some of the differences between men and women so that better, stronger relationships can be built.
  17. He’s Just Not That Into You by Greg Behrendt: This dating guide will help you learn when to give up and move on.
  18. Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki and Sharon L. Lechter: This book will highlight some of the different lessons about money that both rich and poor parents teach their children.
  19. The Prophet by Khalil Gibran: Get insights into marriage, friendship, joy, sorrow and many of the things central to human existence in this poetic text.
  20. The Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav: In this book, you’ll learn how to become more closely aligned with your soul and use its power to become a happier, better person.

Vitamins and Supplements

Posted in Learn by Sarah on November 8, 2011

A great informative article regarding Vitamins and Supplements from

Question: Do I Need Dietary Supplements?
Should I take a vitamin tablet or some kind of dietary supplement every day? Can I get everything I need from the foods I eat?
Answer: Rather than “yes” or “no,” the best answer is “maybe.” Research studies have not shown that taking daily multivitamin supplements prevent any chronic diseases.Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet should provide you with all of the individual nutrients you need. Not everyone has a good diet so some of those nutrients might be deficient. For example, a person who hates fruits and vegetables might not get enough vitamin C and someone who refuses to eat dairy products will frequently need extra calcium.Taking a daily multivitamin is an inexpensive and easy way to be sure you are getting the vitamins and minerals you need. A few individual dietary supplements have been shown to have positive benefits for your health too. Adding these extra supplements may be beneficial:

Many people don’t eat enough calcium-containing foods. This can add to a person’s risk of developing osteoporosis, or weakened bones. The recommended amount of calcium for most adults is about 1200 mg per day.

Vitamin D
Some of the vitamin D you need comes from the food you eat, but most of it is made by your body after exposure to sun. Vitamin D is important for calcium absorption and the two nutrients are often combined into one supplement. An average adult needs about 400 IU of vitamin D.

Fish Oil
Omega-3 fatty acids will help prevent cardiovascular disease. Fatty fish is the best dietary source of omega-3 fatty acids, though plants such as flax contain omega-3 fatty acids. Studies suggest that 0.5 to 1.8 grams of fish oil per day is an effective amount.

Folic Acid
Folate is a B vitamin and folic acid is the supplemental form of folate. Folate is found in green leafy vegetables, citrus fruit and legumes. Folic acid supplementation is recommended for any woman who may become pregnant and may also help reduce homocysteine levels, which might help reduce the risk of heart disease. The recommended amount for adults is 400 mcg per day.

Chondroitin and Glucosamine
Researchers from the Glucosamine/Chondroitin Arthritis Intervention Trial found that participants with moderate-to-severe osteoarthritis pain found statistically significant amounts of pain relief with 1500 mg glucosamine combined with 1200 mg chondroitin sulfate supplements.

Antioxidants and Zinc
The Age-Related Eye Disease Study results showed that a combination of antioxidants and zinctaken as a dietary supplement reduced the risk of advanced age-related macular degeneration. The formula used in the study was:
*500 mg of vitamin C
*400 IU of vitamin E
*15 mg of beta-carotene
*80 mg of zinc as zinc oxide
*2 mg of copper as cupric oxide

Foods like yogurt and fermented foods naturally contain bacteria called probiotics. These bacteria are similar to the friendly bacteria normally found in your digestive system. Probiotics are also available as dietary supplements and may be beneficial for people with irritable bowel syndrome and diarrhea.

Dietary Supplement Safety
In general, dietary supplements are safe. However keep these points in mind when you take them:
*Eat a healthy diet. Multivitamins and other dietary supplements will not replace an unhealthy diet. Focus on eating sufficient amounts of fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy products, whole grains, lean meats, fish, poultry, nuts, seeds and legumes.
*Don’t overdose your supplements. Some vitamins such as vitamin D, vitamin A andvitamin B6 can be bad for your health when taken in extremely large amounts for extended periods of time. Follow the dosage instruction on the label.
*Tell your doctor. Some dietary supplements can interact with medications, so tell your doctor about the dietary supplements you take.
*Understand the label. Dietary supplement labels can make claims about how the dietary supplement may affect the structure or the function of the body, but not claims to treat or cure a disease.

More About Labels
The labels on dietary supplements can be very confusing. Supplement manufacturers can make health claims if they are approved by the FDA. One example would be “adequate folic acid may reduce a woman’s risk of having a child with a neural tube defect.” Label claims may not promise cures, or guarantee that taking their supplement will prevent any disease.

Day 12, 13 & 14…weekend warrior!

Posted in Live by Sarah on November 7, 2011

Day 12, 13 and 14 can all be grouped together into a bundle of one post! It was a Friday, Saturday, Sunday and I can go ahead and call it a Warrior Weekend!

Friday started off as usual…awoke early, laced up and headed out for a run. I received a job offer the night prior and running is my therapy, even if I don’t have any kind of dilemma. If I have something to get off my chest, I suck it in and run it out. I don’t ind paying top dollar for the best running shoes because it would otherwise go to a shrink, so it’s a fair trade. So this job offer had amazing benefits for a major trade in for what I have now. But I have decided not to jump into anything drastic, so I am staying where I am at and giving it 100%. The diet was the usual equal ratio of protein and carbs with a few EFA’s thrown in for efficiency. That night, we had a house full of 4 rowdy boys ages 10-3. Of course the dinner of choice for such a demographic is easy…pizza! I had a sliver of a slice because I just couldn’t resist and a huge salad. The boys loved my in-home gym, so I gave them a workout in hopes that they would go to bed, which they did….eventually.

Saturday was a GREAT day!!! I taught my Cardio Circuit class at 7am and then introduced a couple of my friends to my Muay Thai mentor and he put us through an awesome class! It was snowing most of the day so I resorted to comfort health food….oatmeal, Ideal Protein chicken noodle soup and steamed veggies. Then my family and I went to the theatre to see Puss in Boots (hilarious by the way!) and then hit the mall for some shopping. I made a nice homemade dinner of baked chicken mac and cheese (for the boys, not me!) and asparagus. What a fun day!

Sunday was a lazy day! I woke up VERY sore from my Saturday workouts and wanted to run, but it was so cold I waited for a couple of hours for the sun to come out. Good thing too, it was gorgeous! I was in the mood for some serious house cleaning so I buffed the house and even made a big donation to the local shelter with towels, blankets, clothes and toys. Every trip I make gives me a bittersweet feeling of doing good yet my heart hurts for families in such situations. I do what I can and vow to do more this season. I have a few volunteer ideas I can’t wait to execute. We get so wrapped up in taking care of ourselves and forget that there is always something you can do to help others. I hope that this blog gives YOU inspiration to live the healthy life you deserve. Cheers!

Ice Bath, anyone?

Posted in Live by Sarah on November 4, 2011

Ever tried an ice bath? Do you even have the desire? As torturous as it sounds, ice baths can provide great relief and speed up recovery from over worked, sore muscles. Here is a helpful article I found on

Be brrrrave and give it a try….within four hours of your workout of course! Don’t forget the hoodie and iPod or reading material for distraction!

If you haven’t heard or just plain curious about Ice bath therapy, then you’re in the right place. World class athletes have adopted this practice, so begs the question, why shouldn’t you? Maybe you’ve tried it once or twice, and you didn’t see any changes at all. Well, are you sure you did it right? Ice bath recovery, when done properly and regularly, will speed up the recovery process of your body as well as improving your overall athletic performance. Ice bath therapy is ideally done in hydrotherapy pools for the best results.

Why should I take a bath with ice? It’s freezing!
Yes, it is chilling. Although most of us don’t like a cold shower, an ice bath right after an intense running session can actually do wonders for your body. It’s a fact that right after an intense activity, like a long run or a set of short sprints, your muscles experience microtrauma. These are small tears in the muscle fibers, which are perfectly normal for runners. You’re probably feeling some of it when your muscles hurt after an exhausting run, but you won’t feel every tear since they are, as the name implies, micro.

Because of the very low temperature, ice bath also becomes a great treatment for muscle soreness, strain, and inflammation. It also prevents the breakdown of muscle tissues. The cold water will stimulate muscle cells to start repairing the muscle tears.

As you immerse yourself in the ice bath, you’ll get relief from your sore muscles, let’s say your calves. The good thing about the ice bath is that your other leg muscles are also being treated in the process, like your hamstring, gluteus, and quadriceps. Thus, it gives your body optimal conditions for recovery.

How can I do it at home? I don’t have a hydrotherapy pool
You don’t have to be an owner of a five thousand dollar hydrotherapy pool for you to enjoy ice bath therapy. In fact, you’ll just need a bath tub, water, and a lot of ice packs. Here are the steps that you can take to conduct ice bath therapy at home:

  1. Prepare a lot of ice cubes or packs
    Remember that your target temperature for an ice bath is from 12° to 15° Celsius. You can make your own if you have a decent freezer, or you can buy some at the nearest convenience store.
  2. Fill the tub with cold water before you run
    Put enough water to fill up to your waists so that the whole lower body can benefit from the therapy.
  3. Right after your run, add ice
    If you have a thermometer, you should measure how cold the tub is before going in.
  4. Slowly step in the tub and prepare for the extremely cold water

Things to remember

  • Don’t stay too long in the tub
    Ten minutes should be more than enough time to stay in the tub. Stay for more than twenty and you’ll risk suffering from cold-induced muscle damage.
  • Your first few sessions will be the hardest
    It would be a great idea if you would have something to keep you warm by your side, perhaps a cup of hot chocolate or tea. You might also want to find something to do while under ice bath therapy. You could bring a running book or a magazine with you.
  • Take a warm bath or shower around 30 minutes to an hour later
    Muscles, along with the tissues, have a tendency to become stiff and tense in extreme cold.
  • There are times when you might want to jump out of the tub because you can’t handle the cold
    I would suggest that you try your best to handle it. Keep yourself motivated by keeping in mind that this therapy will help your muscles recover, thus, possibly allowing you to have a better performance in your next run.
  • Extremely cold ice baths, colder than the advised temperature, could result to fainting
    It’s always best to check the temperature from time to time. It’s also better if you let someone know that you’re in the tub with ice. Do this for safety reasons.

Now, you’re quite ready to take an ice bath. The therapy will surely help you reach your athletic goals, whatever they may be. Famous athletes will tell you that ice bath therapy works great. They believe that ice bath therapy gives them speedy recovery, and at the same time, helps in preventing injuries.

So what are you waiting for?
If you have a competition on schedule, you might want to consider taking ice baths to make sure you’re 100% ready for the big day. Quickly repair that muscle damage through regular ice baths after intense running.

Day 11…what a day!

Posted in Live by Sarah on November 4, 2011

What a day it has been! I had planned on a long run, half day at work and to teach my class. Instead, I worked on more of my TRX routine, worked a half day, picked up my son and headed to Costco to load up on more Edamame, ran a few more errands, had a one on one training session at  a new functional training facility (I was the trainee which was SO nice for a change), negotiated and received two new bootcamp classes to take my group with potential to add to, taught my powerflex class which was PACKED! There’s another little tidbit but I will wait until tomorrow to go into it because I need to sleep on it. Needless to say, with everything going on today, I haven’t been eating as frequent as I should have, but made up for it when I went to my parent’s house this evening for leftovers. No I didn’t meet my daily goals of staying focused, but this day has turned into launchpad of choices, opportunities and decisions to make. Whew..I definitely need to run tomorrow to sort all of this out and take it all in.

What do you want to accomplish? Whether it’s big or small, have faith in yourself, drive yourself and stay the course. If you want it bad enough, there is nothing that can stop you. It’s waiting for you, what are you waiting for? GO GET IT!

Day 10

Posted in Live by Sarah on November 3, 2011

Day 10 was supposed to be a typical Wednesday but I slept in and missed step aerobics. I hate it when I do that, but I take it with a grain of salt as my bodies own way of saying “stay down!” So I obey and make adjustments. Missing my cardio session in the morning always puts me in a funk, but I knew that I would be cranking one out later that night with my friends, so it was okay. I ran through a lower body workout at home consisting of hundreds of step ups on my 16″ bench, squats, lunges and a tune up on my TRX functional routine I am creating for snowboarders. Lots of toe and heel work; I can’t wait to try it out on someone. The best part was that my son was able to join me, which always makes it fun! We goof around and jump and laugh and get crazy. He even picked up my 15 pound kettle bell and walked it to the other side of the room. I forgot how much I love farmer carriers! That evening I met a couple of my friends for a trail run, ate dinner and called it a day.

I need to go grocery shopping today.
Here is my list:

Chicken breasts
Low-fat sliced chicken or turkey deli meat
Ground turkey
Lean ground beef

Old-fashioned oatmeal
Whole-wheat English muffins
Whole-wheat pita bread
Whole-wheat bread
Brown rice

Spinach leaves
Romaine lettuce
Bell Peppers
Sugar snap peas

Extra virgin olive oil
Balsamic vinegar
Low-fat mayo
Cooking spray


Low-fat cheese slices
Low-fat String cheese
Fat-free sour cream
Skim milk
Low-fat cottage cheese
Fresh eggs
Low-fat yogurt

Canned tuna packed in water
Jarred dill pickles
Sugar-free syrup
Light teriyaki marinade
Almonds/slivered almonds
All-natural peanut butter
Low sodium soy sauce
Lime juice
Sugar free applesauce
Baking powder
Lemon juice
Ketchup use sparingly because of sodium content
Dijon mustard

Progress :)

Posted in Live by Sarah on November 3, 2011

9 days…not too shabby!

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